Keyboard Mapping
Please note that keyboard entry will only work when the Window containing the HP16C applet or application is active. Also, keyboard entry will not work while the cursor is on the “Help with Keyboard Entry” link below the applet or if the focus is on one of the register textboxes within the emulator. If keyboard entry stops working at any point, please just click any button within the Calculator emulator (with the mouse) and keyboard entry should resume.
All key mappings are CASE SENSITIVE unless noted below.
Keyboard HP16C
Z or z (as in sleep Zzzz) ON button
0 through 9 on keyboard or numpad 0 through 9
A through E or ‘a’ through ‘e’ (not case sensitive) A through E (top row)
f F (top row)
F f function key (orange)
G or g (not case sensitive) g function key (blue)
/ (forward slash) on keyboard or numpad divide (÷) button
x, X, or * on keyboard or numpad multiply (x) button
- on keyboard or numpad subtract (-) button
+ on keyboard or numpad add (+) button
\ (backslash) change sign (CHS) button
. (period) on keyboard or numpad dot (.) button
Enter on keyboard or numpad enter button
Backspace backspace (BSP) button
< (shift-comma) store (STO) button
> (shift-period) recall (RCL) button
$ (shift-4) hexadecimal (HEX) button
# (shift-3) decimal (DEC) button
O or o (Oh, not zero) octal (OCT) button
% (shift-5) binary (BIN) button
F1 run/stop (R/S) button
F2 single step (SST) button
F3 roll down (R ↓) button
F4 X exchange Y (X ⇄ Y) button
F5 go to subroutine (GSB) button
F6 go to instruction (GTO) button
The following key mappings support holding the button down when in f-mode:
Keyboard HP16C
0 on keyboard or numpad 0, display calc status
. (period) on keyboard or numpad dot (.), display memory status
Backspace BSP. display prefix (mantissa) when in float mode
$ (shift-4) HEX, show result in hexadecimal mode
# (shift-3) DEC, show result in decimal mode
O or o (Oh, not zero) OCT, show result in octal mode
% (shift-5) BIN, show result in binary mode